Hyderabad Size of the map , in 5 sections, is 110 cm x 358 cm, actual area; on tracing cloth . Latittudes from 19024’N to 19048’N and longitudes from 770E to 790E marked and numbered; hand- drawn and beautifully coloured; forest and cultivated areas , coconut tree groves artistically drawn; high table lands and mountain ranges nicely shown in burnt sienna with grey tints; sites of places drawn in a peculiar fashion but artistically designed; routes drawn in a peculiar fashion but artistically designed ; routes drawn in single lines of burnt sienna ; lines of triangulations all along the borders shown in black ink; some graticules, in red ink, also marked, and bears the the signature of Lt. Col. H.L. Thuillier, Surveyor General of India.

Department Survey Of India (Maps)
Place Hyderabad
Series Cartographic Notes
Identifier CR_000002286605
File No. 1841-60-19(A)
Scale 110 cm x 358 cm
File Size 8.3 MB
Pages 1
Collection Digitized Cartographic Records
Series Cartographic Notes

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