Tinnevelly Size: 73cmx 54cm ,actual areas; in one sheet .No coordinates marked or numbered; hand-drawn and coloured; cultivated fields drawn with light green rectangles an uncultivated fields shown with burnt sienna; hedges around the fields shown with deep green; relief marked with grey tint; roads in thin single lines ofburnt sienna with trees lined on both sides ; blank areas shown; and triangulation lines in black ink. Watermark: S WISE & PATCH with 'Fleur -de-Lis ' and year 1805 below it.

Keywords John Robinson
Department Survey Of India (Maps)
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Place Tinnevelly
Series Cartographic Notes
Identifier CR_000002286491
File No. 1801-20-19(O)
Scale 73cmx 54cm
File Size 5.1 MB
Pages 1
Collection Digitized Cartographic Records
Series Cartographic Notes

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