Goa size: 89 cm x 61 cm, between borders ; in one sheet No coordinates marked or numbered ; hand -drawn in black ink and coloured in light tints; cultivated areas shown as rectangles of grey lines; jungle areas marked with very light green tint and sprayed over by dark green dots; releif shown by grey, drawn with very light vertical hechures also of grey, drawn with brush ; roads in single lines burnt sienna; sickle- arrowhead as north indicator; 'Base line' measuring 37722 .6 feet for triangulation marked on the western coast with triagonometricalstation also marked.

Department Survey Of India
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Place Goa
Series Cartographic Notes
Identifier CR_000002286473
File No. 1801-20-17(A)
Scale 89 cm x 61 cm
File Size 9.3 MB
Pages 1
Collection Digitized Cartographic Records
Series Cartographic Notes

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