hyderabad Size: 61 cm x122cm , between borders; six sheets pasted together. Parallels drawn and numbered from 14 N to 16 N ; meridians drawn but not numbered ; hand-drawn in black ink and coloured ; relife shown by grey tint; roads in single lines of red ; many later additions and corrections in pencil and black ink marked ; and signed by C. M ackenzle, with remarks- Prepared in signed by C. Mackenzie, with remarks - Prepared in 1801 Watermarks: (1) E & P1801 and (2) J WHATMAN 1794'.

Department Survey Of India
Place Hyderabad
Series Cartographic Notes
Identifier CR_000002286477
File No. 1801-20-18(B)
Scale 61 cm x122cm
File Size 11.8 MB
Pages 1
Collection Digitized Cartographic Records
Series Cartographic Notes

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