Recruitment-Central Superior Services-post-1945 vacancies-request from M.A.D. that temporary employees of the MAD whose service qualifies as war service should be given a chance to compete for the vacancies in category (d) of the Home Department Q.M. No.16/1/46-Ests(R) dt.16.8.46, which are open to war service candidates who are above the normal age limits. Decision-the employees concerned should not be given a chance to compete for the vacancies

Keywords Military Accounts Department
N.H. Lewis
Department Ministry of Home Affairs
Branch Establishment Reorganisation
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Identifier PR_000004154534
File No. 16/3/47-ESTS-R
Location Repository-4
File Size 8.2 MB
Pages 13
Collection Digitized Public Records
Ministry of Home Affairs
Language English

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