From Major R. Wyllie Officiaing Secretary to Govt. of India in the Military Department, to Captain W.A.G. Mayhew, Officiaing Assistant Adjt. General of the Army Dated the 6th of March 1850, acknowledge the receipt of his despatch no. 187 of the 5th Instt. and in reply to infrom him that the honble the President in Council is pleased to sanction his issuing a Ghuznie Medal from the spare ones in his office to Colonel Scott C.B. of her Majesty's 9th Lancers, to replace the original one stated to have been last by him and to request that he will recover the value of the same from that officer & transmit the amount to this Department.

Ministry/ Department/ Residency Military
Branch Military
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Identifier PR_000000826563
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. 158
Part No. C

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