All Indian Services Act, 1951-Rules and Regulation frame there under-Amendments to rules to provide for Obligation to service in or under any body corporate, owned or Controlled of Governement without prior consent or claim for additional remains. Decision While the amendments to IAS/IPS(Pay) Rules, 1954 have been deferred the promulgation of AIS(conditions of Service-Residency matters) Rules amendments to Rule 6 of the IAS and IPS (Cadre) Rules, 1954 have been so as to include members of service serving under any body corporte, owned controlled by Government

Keywords G. Swaminathan
All India Services Act
Jammu and Kashmir
Department Ministry of Home Affairs and Department of Personnel Training
Branch All India Service II
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Identifier PR_000004037174
File No. 1/290/58-AIS-II
Location Repository-4
File Size 181.9 MB
Pages 115
Collection Digitized Public Records
Ministry of Home Affairs and Department of Personnel Training
Language English

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