1. Decision that with effect from 1950-51 General finance should be given dividend @4% on the capital invested in the undertaking for a period of five years in lien of the interest cum contribution. 2. Decision that with effect from 1950-51 the recurre of interest during constraction of works from other deneral department may be treats as misc receipt & credited to the head XVI regarding misc, Receipts and not taken in reduction of expenditure. 3. Dicision that as a result of the recommendation of the krishnumchati committee which have been accepted by the Govt. the contribution of Rs. 8 Lakhs & Rs. 4296848 by the Jaipur Durbar and Baroda Govt. towards the construction of Nagda Mathur section and tapti valley respectively should w.e.f. 1950-51 be included in the cap-at-charge for computing the divider payable to the General Revenue. 4. Decision that interest & dividends on investments made out of the Reserve Funds should w.e.f. 1950-51 be credited to the fund itself instead of XVI.A Misc. Receipts as either to

Keywords Revenue Reserve Fund
Railway Convention Committee
K.S. Padamenabhan
Department Ministry of Railway
Branch Accounts I
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Identifier PR_000004234005
File No. 50-ACI/113/1-34
Location Repository-4
File Size 145.6 MB
Pages 67
Collection Digitized Public Records
Ministry of Railway
Language English

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