Amendment that in Rule 4 of the Indian Railway Service of Engineers Recruitment Rules, 1962- i) Clauses (b) and (c) shall be relettered as claused (c) and (d) respectively; ii) before (c) as so relettered, the following clause shall be issued, namely; b) By appointment of Assistant Engineers recruited through the Commission, initially as temporary officers, to such extent as may be decided in consultation with the Commission from time to time:. iii) the following Note shall be added at the end, namely. Note:- If the quota of 33 1/3 per cent reserved for class II officers for promotion to Class I is not fully utilised, the remaining vacancies will be filled by direct recruitment under clause (a) and by appointment of temporary Asstt: Engineers under clause (b) in such proportion as may be decidedin consultation with the Commission from time to time

Keywords M.P.K. Menon
Department Ministry of Railway
Branch Establishment Gazetted Recruitment I
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Identifier PR_211200057091
File No. E/GR/I-67RR-2/1-13
Location Repository-4
File Size 18.6 MB
Pages 35
Collection Digitized Public Records
Ministry of Railway
Language English

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