Disciplinary and Appeal Rules. Instruction requiring a railway servant convicted in a court of Law to intimate to his departmental authorities, the details of his conviction to enable the authorities to consider his case and pass necessary orders. Decided that case of Railway servants who are prosecuted after departmental enquiry in connection with offences relating to their duty and are convicted need not be reviewed also cases of Rly servants who were convicted prior to their employment on Railway need not be reviewed if at the time of their employment they were not recuired to give information on regarding their conviction under the rules

Keywords Railway Board
Government of India Act, 1935
Department Ministry of Railway
Branch Establishment-B
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Identifier PR_211200051567
File No. E50RG6-6/1-7
Location Repository-4
File Size 13.8 MB
Pages 35
Collection Digitized Public Records
Ministry of Railway
Language English

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